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Broiler Pathogen Control Resources

Water flowingDon't Let Unclean Water Rob Livestock Performance

When it comes to the performance of a production herd or flock, the source, quantity, quality and composition of water can have a major impact on how animals perform. Not only should water be available in sufficient quantities, but it should have the right balance in pH and minerals and other components in order to maximize digestive function, gut health and overall animal performance.

Yellow keep-out caution tapeKeeping Pathogens Out: Step 1 of a Disease Prevention Strategy

Infectious agents, or pathogens, are a threat to livestock and poultry health and even human health in some zoonotic situations. Pathogens that cause diseases also have significant economic implications, as well as negative effects on animal welfare.

The Chicken Parts Performance Standard: Opportunities Ahead

Consumer preference has changed with regards to the chicken they are purchasing. Buying a whole chicken at the grocery store to take home and prepare is not as common as it used to be and, in fact, only represents about ten percent of the chicken products U.S. consumers are putting in their shopping cards. This is important information for the U.S. chicken industry as well as the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS), as these two groups share a common goal, which is to reduce the prevalence of Salmonella and Campylobacter in chicken products.

Feedstuffs: Model Illustrates Viral Pat...


VIDEO: KEM SAN® How To - Mixing

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