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Benefits of Chromium for Dairy Cattle

Chromium supplementation for dairy cattle results in better animal maintenance, growth, reproduction and immunity. KemTRACE® Chromium is a highly bioavailable, organic source of chromium that helps reduce the negative impacts of stress for improved health and performance. 

All chromium is not created equal. KemTRACE Chromium is:

  • Fed to millions of animals around the globe since its introduction in 2000
  • Registered in more than 35 countries worldwide
  • Supported by more than 20 years of Kemin research
  • The only U.S. Food and Drug Administration-reviewed form of chromium propionate

OMRI Listed

KemTRACE® Chromium-OR — an OMRI Listed®, organic-compliant form of chromium propionate — is also available in the U.S. for use in organic dairy cattle diets.

KemTRACE Chromium and KemTRACE Chromium-OR are manufactured in the U.S., sourced from U.S.-based raw materials and are available in two product concentrations:

  • 0.04% for use in complete diets
  • 0.4% for use in a premix prior to inclusion in complete diets

Insulin is the Key

Insulin acts as a "key" that unlocks the cell "door," allowing blood glucose to enter and be used as energy. Chromium improves insulin function and results in efficient clearance of glucose from the bloodstream leading to more cellular energy where your cattle need it.1

How KemTrace Chromium Works

Unlocking more energy:

  • Enhances reproduction — Chromium supplementation has been shown to reduce insulin resistance in dairy cows in early lactation,2 reduce subclinical metritis,3 improve conception rates and pregnancy rates,4 reduce days to first service, and increase the number of viable oocytes in cows supplemented with high-energy diets.5
  • Improves immune function — Upon activation, immune cells become obligate glucose utilizers.6 Increased glucose uptake may help animals mount an immune response even under a severe immune challenge.
  • Maximizes feed efficiency — Chromium supplementation for dairy cattle has been shown to alter insulin action and either increase dry matter intake or minimize a drop in feed intake among animals subjected to stress.7,8,9
  • Helps mitigate heat stress  Research studies have shown cows supplemented with chromium during heat stress situations increased dry matter intake and yield more milk than control cows.10
  • Positively impacts milk response — Research has shown chromium supplementation is beneficial for improving milk yield in transition cows. 

Why the Mode of Action Matters

By understanding a product's mode of action, you can be confident that it will provide benefits for your animals. See the KemTRACE Chromium mode of action at work.

KemTRACE Chromium Mode of Action


Explore Years of Knowledge and Research

Download the literature below to unlock more about KemTRACE Chromium.

KemTRACE Chromium 0.4% Spec Sheet
KemTRACE Chromium 0.04% Spec Sheet
KemTRACE Chromium-OR 0.4% Spec Sheet
KemTRACE Chromium-OR 0.04% Spec Sheet

Chromium for Dairy Literature

KemTRACE Chromium for Dairy Cattle
KemTRACE Chromium for Dairy Mode of Act...
KemTRACE Chromium - Essential for Your ...

Chromium and Dairy Reproduction Literature

Evaluation of Chromium Propionate on Re...
How Chromium Can Impact Reproduction - ...

Chromium in the News

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Progressive Dairyman: An Update on Chro...
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1Mertz, W. (1992). Chromium: History and nutritional importance. Biological Trace Element Research. 32:3-8.
2Hayirli, A., D. R. Bremmer, S. J. Bertics, M. T. Socha and R. R. Grummer. (2001, May). Effect of chromium supplementation on production and metabolic parameters in periparturient dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 84(5):1218-1230.
3Yasui, T., et al. (2014, Oct.). Effects of chromium propionate supplementation during the periparturient period and early lactation on metabolism, performance, and cytological endometritis in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 97(10):6400-6410.
4Ferguson, J. (2013) Evaluation of KemTRACE brand chromium propionate on milk production by Holstein cows under heat stress conditions in Pennsylvania. (Abstract T356). Journal of Animal Science 91:E-s2/Journal of Dairy Science 96:E-s1.
5Leiva, T., et al. (2015, Oct.). Effects of excessive energy intake and supplementation with chromium propionate on insulin resistance parameters, milk production, and reproductive outcomes of lactating dairy cows. Livestock Science. 180:121-128.
6Palsson-McDermott, E. M. and L. A. O’Neill. (2013, Nov.). The Warburg effect then and now: From cancer to inflammatory diseases. BioEssays. 35(11):965-973.
7Al-Saiady, M. Y., et al. (2004, Dec.). Effect of chelated chromium supplementation on lactation performance and blood parameters of Holstein cows under heat stress. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 117(3-4):223-233.
8An-Qiang, L., W. Zhi-Sheng and Z. An-Guo. (2009). Effect of chromium picolinate supplementation on early lactation performance, rectal temperatures, respiration rates and plasma biochemical response of Holstein cows under heat stress. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 8(7):940-945.
9Vargas-Rodriguez, C. F., et al. (2014). Effects of supplemental chromium propionate and rumen-protected amino acids on productivity, diet digestibility, and energy balance of peak-lactation dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 97:3815-3821.
10KemTRACE Chromium — How Does Supplemental Chromium Impact Milk Yield During Heat Stress? BR-2015-00066.
11Weekes, T. E. C. (1991). Hormonal control of glucose metabolism (symposium paper). 7th International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology. 183.

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