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Maintain Broiler Feed Quality with Kemin Solutions

What is feed quality? High-quality animal feed retains its nutritional value and visual appearance from the day it is harvested until the day it is consumed. Maintaining the nutritional value and quality of feed takes more than just proper handling and storage practices, however.

Broiler Feed Quality – The Unique Challenge

It has been said, worry about making high quality poultry feed keeps mill managers and nutritionists awake at night. Many of the inputs needed to make high quality poultry feed are beyond the control of the feed mill and the formulation team. Grain arrives in trucks and unit trains from unknown locations and with variable quality. Fats and oils are sourced from company-owned facilities but will often come from renderers offering a great deal. And feed ingredients like soybean meal, distiller grains, and other by-products are often treated by processors as an afterthought. Fortunately, Kemin products and expertise can help with each of these challenges to feed quality.

Kemin Feed Quality Platform and Product Solutions

Adding Kemin Feed Quality solutions can prolong feed shelf-life, save on production costs, and improve storage success. Partnering with Kemin means complete support from the Kemin Technical Service and Customer Laboratory Service teams. Kemin offers customized product solutions, ensuring you receive the protection you need.


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