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 EquiSUMMIT is a premier virtual event that aims to equip horse enthusiasts with education and nutrition tools to unlock gut health and stress solutions for their horses. The event features experts from industry and academia – tackling important equine health issues such as Leaky Gut Syndrome, insulin resistance and inflammation.

Whether you’re a roper, racer, farrier, veterinarian, hobbyist or beyond – you’ll find EquiSUMMIT has something to offer you! Explore the on-demand content below and feel free to reach out to us at with any questions! 

2023 Key Takeaways
2022 Key Takeaways
2021 Key Takeaways



Fundamentals of Feeding: Keeping Your Horse Nutritionally Sound

Dr. Stephen Duren, Ph.D., Founder, Performance Horse Nutrition


Modern Approaches to Equine Colic

Dr. Philip Johnson, MS, Professor, University of Missouri


Probiotics - What They Are and What We Should Be Looking For

Dr. Jamie Kopper, DVM, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Iowa State University


Stress Management Through Nutrition: A Multifaceted Approach

Dr. Clair Thunes, MS, Ph.D., Equine Nutrition Consultant, Clarity Equine Nutrition


Sweet Temptations: Hidden Starch/Sugar in Your Horse's Diet & Managing the Metabolic Horse

Dr. Jyme Nichols, Ph.D., Host of Feed Room Chemist Podcast


Stress Management Panel Follow Up with Marcia Kulak


The Transformative Difference Between a Healthy Gut and a Leaky Gut, and How it Can Affect Your Horse's Health

Dr. Anthony Blikslager, DVM, Ph.D., North Carolina State University


The Impact of Heat Stress on Your Horse and the Steps You Should Take to Address It

Dr. Michael Lindinger, Ph.D., President, Nutraceutical Alliance


Gut-Brain Axis: How Your Horse's Mood and Behavior May be Impacted by Nutrition

Dr. Tania Cubitt, Ph.D., Equine Nutritionist, Performance Horse Nutrition


The Equine Microbiome: Exploring the "Second Brain" of the Horse

Dr. Jyme Nichols, Ph.D., Host of Feed Room Chemist Podcast


Dietary Fiber, Gastrointestinal Water Movement, and Fecal Water Syndrome

Dr. Burt Staniar, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Equine Science, Penn State University


Feeding the Laminitic Horse: The Importance of a Forage-First Diet

Dr. Stephen Duren, Ph.D., Founder, Performance Horse Nutrition



A Horse Owner's Guide to Leaky Gut Syndrome

Dr. Bill Vandergrift, International Equine Consulting, Inc.


Managing Stress Through Functional Nutrition

Dr. Jyme Nichols, Feed Room Chemist Podcast


Proper Forage Feeding

Dr. Stephen Duren, Performance Horse Nutrition


Feeding the Senior Horse and Addressing "Inflammaging"

Dr. Jessica Leatherwood, Texas A&M University


Hindgut Health: Practical Considerations

Dr. Tania Cubitt, Performance Horse Nutrition


Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) vs. Equine Cushing's Disease (PPID)

Dr. Philip Johnson, University of Missouri


Learning and Industry Resources

EquiSUMMIT - Ingredients 101
EquiSUMMIT - Equine GI Tract 101
EquiSUMMIT - Equine Stress 101
EquiSUMMIT - Feeding Forages 101
EquiSUMMIT - Leaky Gut Syndrome
Inflammation and Your Horse
Equine Gastrointestinal Research Updates
Equine Leaky Gut Syndrome Part 1 - Equi...
Part 2: Equine Leaky Gut Syndrome - Nut...
Part 3: Equine Leaky Gut Syndrome
The Horse: It's All Connected
Heat Stress Resource Poster

Functional Nutrition Supports Horses Under Stress

Return to 'The Wild' to Keep Horses' Hindguts Healthy

Individualized Diets Help Horses with EMS-Induced Laminitis

Leaky Gut, Health, and Behavior: What's the Connection?

Tips for Meeting a Senior Horse's Nutritional Needs

How the Horse's Intestinal Microbiome Works

Transforming a Leaky Gut to a Healthy One

Focus on Forage for Successful Recovery from Laminitis

Free Fecal Water Syndrome in Horses and What To Do About It

The Equine Intestinal Microbiome

The Best Way to Cool Your Horse? Hydration.



EquiTALK: A Look at Common Equine Stressors from Kemin Equine


EquiTALK: Get the Scoop on Stable Mix from Elk Grove Milling


EquiTALK: Choosing a Gut Supplement from Bluebonnet Feeds


EquiTALK: Technology and Innovation Leaders from LMF Feeds


EquiTALK: Spotlight on RESCUE AID from dac


EquiTALK: Magnesium and Chromium to Combat Stess from EZium


EquiTALK: Spotlight on Forage from Standlee Premium Western Forage


EquiTALK: StressFree Fortified Forage from Triple Crown Feed



EquiTALK: Measuring Grain, Hay, Horse Weight & Body Condition with Triple Crown Feed


EquiTALK: Eye on High-Quality Forage with Standlee Premium Western Forage


EquiTALK: What Should I Feed My Horse with Bluebonnet Feeds


Thank You to Our 2023 Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Kemin Equine Logo

WIN Sponsors

Triple Crown-1
Blue Bonnet-1

PLACE Sponsors

Kent Nutrition

SHOW Sponsors

Elk Grove
Homestead Logo

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