Product Overview
MEVAC™ MULTI IB is an Inactivated trivalent water-in-oil (W/O) emulsified vaccine for immunization against Infectious Bronchitis
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MEVAC™ MULTI IB is an Inactivated trivalent water-in-oil (W/O) emulsified vaccine for immunization against Infectious Bronchitis
The Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) poses a significant threat to the poultry industry due to its highly contagious nature and its capacity to cause acute infections in chickens.1
To combat IBV, vaccination stands as the key strategy. However, the global prevalence of both classical and variant IBVs, coupled with the limited efficacy of traditional Mass-type vaccines against multiple IBV variants, presents considerable challenges for effective control.3,4
These variants have been identified across various regions, such as: Latin America5, Africa6, Asia7, and Australia8. Understanding the genetic diversity of IBV has led to the classification of 32 lineages within 6 genotypes based on analysis of the S1 gene. While certain lineages like GI-1, GI-13, and GI-19 exhibit broad distribution, notably, the GI-23 lineage, initially confined to the Middle East, has now gained prominence and extends its presence to Europe, Asia, and Africa, indicating its expanding geographical influence over time.9
Strategically designed to tackle both classical and variant challenges, effectively expanding the umbrella of protection.
For booster vaccination and protection of chickens against Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus.
Birds can be vaccinated from 14 days of age onwards. For an optimal booster effect, the birds must be primed with live vaccines against Infectious Bronchitis Virus. The most suitable vaccination program shall be justified by a veterinary surgeon according to the health conditions of each farm and area.
Zero days.
The vaccine dose (0.5 mL/bird) should be administered subcutaneously in the lower part of the neck or intramuscularly into the chest muscles.
Proper administration of the vaccine is crucial for ensuring its efficacy. The vaccine should only be administered to healthy chickens that are not immunosuppressed. Before use, the vaccine should be shaken well to ensure proper mixing. Sterile injection equipment should be used to avoid contamination.
Birds can be vaccinated from 14 days of age onwards. For optimal booster effects, the birds should be primed with live IBV vaccines.
MEVAC™ MULTI IB is packed and presented in 250 mL (500 doses) and 500 mL (1000 doses) polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles.
1. Hang X., Liao K.,, Evaluation of the reproductive system development and egg-laying performance of hens infected with TW I-type infectious bronchitis virus. Vet. Res. 2020;51:95.
2. Ganapathy K., Wilkins M., Forrester A., Lemiere S., Cserep T., McMullin P., Jones R.C. QX-like infectious bronchitis virus isolated from cases of proventriculitis in commercial broilers in England. Vet.
3. Shaw K., Britton P., Cavanagh D. Sequence of the spike protein of the Belgian B164S isolate of nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Pathol. 1996.
4. Ackwood M.W. Review of infectious bronchitis virus around the world. Avian Dis. 2012.
5. Fields, D.B. 1973. Arkansas 99, a new infectious bronchitis serotype. Avian Diseases.
6. Morley, A.J. and Thomson, D.K. 1984. Swollen-head syndrome in broiler chickens. Avian Diseases.
7. Lohr, J.E. (1988). Infectious bronchitis in New Zealand, Asia, East Europe. In E.F. Kaleta & U. Heffels-Redmann (Eds.). Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Infectious Bronchitis.
8. Anjatovic, J., Gould, G. and Sapats, S. 2006. Isolation of a variant infectious bronchitis virus in Australia that further illustrates diversity among emerging strains.
9. Houta, M.H., Hassan, K.E., El-Sawah, A.A. et al. Jan.2021
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