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ButiPEARL™ Poultry

Proven to Improve Profitability in Boilers

Broilers fed with ButiPEARL™ during the whole production cycle (42 days of age) showed an increased feed conversion ratio and final body weight.

Performance Data for Broiler

A total of 240 male Ross 308 chicks, at one day old, were divided into 3 experimental groups.

Treatment Dose Final Body Weight (g) Feed Conversion Ratio Villi Height / Crypt Depth (µm) ROI
Negative Control 2,616 1.66a 4.38b -
ButiPEARL™ 0.03% 2,741 1.59b 5.20a 13.1
Protected Sodium Butyrate 0.1% 2,661 1.60b 5.42a 1.2

Table 1. Zootechnical performance & intestinal histo-morphological parameters in broiler chickens fed with diets containing different butyrate sources.

Results showed that supplementation with ButiPEARL™ at less than half the dose of the Protected Sodium Butyrate gave better feed conversion ratio (p<0.05), and higher return on investment (ROI*).

*ROI = Net Profit/Treatment Cost

ab means in the same column without a common letter are statistically different



Asian Commercial Trial

A commercial trial was conducted in Asia using day-old Cobb chicks.

Treatment Dose Average Daily Gain (g) Feed Conversion Ratio European Broiler Performance Index (EPI) Intestinal Lesion Score (ILS) Mortality (%)
Avilamycin 48.85 1.687 285 0.40 1.59
ButiPEARL™ 0.03% 49.82 1.667 293 0.20 1.43
Difference + 0.97 - 0.01
+ 8.00 - 0.16 - 0.20

Table 2. Difference in performance and lesion scoring parameters in broiler chickens fed with diets containing either ButiPEARL™ or Avilamycin.

ButiPEARL™ was used to compare against Avilamycin in terms of performance improvement. Overall performance of broilers fed with diets containing 

ButiPEARL™ was similar or slightly better than that of broilers fed with diets containing Avilamycin. At the same time, Cobb chicks exhibited a lower intestinal lesion score and a much higher European broiler performance index when fed with diets containing ButiPEARL™.

ButiPEARL™ was able to maintain good animal performance in the absence of Avilamycin, an antibiotic commonly used as growth promoting agent in feed in an unchallenged condition.




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