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Keciddal™ T Plus

Multipurpose triple acting disinfectant

Increasingly intensifying production systems need a potent multifunctional disinfectant that can extensively encounter pathogenic challenges across various stages of life cycle. Keciddal™ T Plus with its unique triple ingredient formulation comprehensively battles various viral, bacterial & fungal pathogens across numerous biosecurity needs arising from hatchery to farm level. Furthermore, it is safe for application not only on inanimate objects but also in presence of live animals and for thermal fogging.

Product Description:

KeciddalT Plus is a 3 in 1 combination of a multipurpose disinfectant and sanitizer fortified with glutaraldehyde for an enhanced anti-viral efficacy.

Active ingredients:

  • Alkyl (C12, C14, C16, C18) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride- 26% w/v
  • Glutaraldehyde- 7% w/v
  • Bis-n-Tributyltin oxide (TBTO)- 1% w/v
  • Aqueous Base- Q.S


  • Effective against a variety of viruses including IBD virus, ND virus, avian reovirus, avian rotavirus, strains of avian influenza virus, gram- positive and gram- negative bacteria, fungi
  • Non- corrosive and effective in both hard and soft water
  • It is readily biodegradable

Packaging: 1L & 5 L


Application Dosage
Disinfection by power sprayer
  • In presence of birds: 4 ml/l of water (1-2 l water /100 sq. ft.)
  • In absence of birds: 4-8 ml/l of water (1-2 l water/100 sq. ft.)
Disinfection of vehicles 4-8 ml/l of water
Disinfection of hatching eggs, Equipment’s & Pre cleaned surfaces 4ml/ l of water
Disinfection of poultry houses by thermal foggers 2l in every 3 l of water to cover 8000sq. ft. area

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