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Maximise grain assessment, quality and preservation

At Kemin, we help you overcome harvesting and storage challenges to maintain grain and feed quality. Traditional methods often lead to losses, affecting raw material and livestock performance. 

For decades, we have supported our customers in protecting grain quality and livestock well-being by addressing key challenges such as climate change, unpredictable conditions, and storage risks.

Explore our harvesting solutions today

Our grain assessment programme

Awareness of grain quality at every harvesting step is crucial for ensuring feed safety, maximising yield, and maintaining economic viability. From pre-harvest assessments to final distribution, constant monitoring helps identify and mitigate contamination, moisture imbalances, and pest infestations. High-quality grains are less likely to harbour harmful pathogens and mycotoxins, safeguarding consumer health. Additionally, consistent quality control preserves the nutritional value and marketability of the grains, reducing losses and enhancing profitability for farmers and stakeholders throughout the supply chain.

Grain quality checkpoints in the harvesting process

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Our Grain Quality Toolbox

Our Customer Lab Services (CLS) offers a comprehensive Grain Quality Toolbox, combining lab services with advanced data analytics for precise and reliable grain evaluations. This standardised approach provides detailed insights and reports through a customised data portal, enabling informed decisions that enhance grain quality and boost productivity.

As part of our toolbox, we focus on examining the following key areas, ensuring a holistic approach to safeguarding grains and ensuring their quality: 

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Physio-chemical aspects - Proper moisture management is vital for grain storage, with moisture levels below 14% and temperatures under 18°C preventing spoilage. Moisture content and water activity are key indicators of safe storage conditions.

Microbiology and toxicology - Moulds like Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium thrive in warm, damp environments, producing harmful mycotoxins. Effective storage and environmental control are crucial to minimise these risks and ensure grain safety.

Nutritional elements - Proximate analysis evaluates protein, carbohydrates, fibre, fat, vitamins, and minerals in feed to meet livestock dietary needs. Monitoring oxidative quality and shelf-life ensures feed freshness and safety.

Our Grain Treatment programme 

As climate change intensifies, preserving native grains is more critical than ever. Our Grain Treatment programme addresses moisture and storage challenges, extending harvest windows, reducing carbon footprints, and optimising yields while maintaining quality. This approach can generate over €10 more per tonne than traditional drying methods.


Key benefits of our Grain Treatment programme

  • Grain treated with Kemin’s Myco CURB ES liquid solution generates up to three times less CO2-eq per tonne than grain stored using traditional methods like aeration and drying.

  • Myco CURB effectively minimises yield and moisture losses during storage, reducing waste and financial losses.

  • This treatment improves the quality of livestock feed, resulting in better animal performance and growth.

At Kemin, we prioritise adopting optimal grain storage practices that enhance animal production and environmental sustainability.


Watch our Grain Treatment programme in action


Let’s tackle your grain storage challenges together

By proactively addressing storage challenges, we help maintain grain quality and minimise risks to your storage operations. Our Kemin Application Solutions team oversees the Grain Treatment programme by optimising equipment for consistent performance, ensuring successful harvests, safe storage, increased yields, and reduced losses without the need for drying.


Explore our harvesting solutions

Maximise grain and bean storage with Myco CURB®

Maximise grain and bean storage with Myco CURB, a scientifically proven solution that inhibits mould growth and preserves grain quality. Myco CURB offers broad-spectrum mould inhibition, a synergistic blend of ingredients, proven efficacy, high stability, safety, easy application, and compatibility with all common feed ingredients.

» Learn more about Myco CURB


Ensure superior feed preservation with PARADIGMOX®

Ensure superior feed preservation with PARADIGMOX antioxidants, designed to protect fat, oil matrices, and various feed types. With tailored solutions for every diet and production system, PARADIGMOX combines polar and apolar ingredients to reduce oxidation and safeguard feed quality, ensuring optimal preservation.

» Learn more about PARADIGMOX


Strengthen endogenous enzymes with KEMZYME® PLUS 

Strengthen endogenous enzymes with KEMZYME PLUS, a unique multi-enzyme product registered in the EU with five declared enzyme activities. KEMZYME PLUS degrades structural NSPs and enhances endogenous enzymes, which are crucial for the early life stages of pigs and poultry.

» Learn more about KEMZYME PLUS

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