NeuroNutrition: What is it?1,2
When considering the term "NeuroNutrition," thoughts may naturally gravitate towards neuroscience, brain function, and cognition. However, its scope extends far beyond these realms. This compound word merges two potent concepts – the importance of food and its nutritional content, and their impact on neurons, the fundamental units of neural tissues.
The significance of a healthy diet for neural tissues, including the brain, becomes apparent with certain nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin B12, B9, and zinc, which are linked to impaired cognitive function. Indeed, it's not just about one food or nutrient – it’s about providing the right balance of energy, protection, and resources for the normal function and adaptability of neural cells. In fact, it is a fine interplay between a lifetime of habits and choices and the neuron’s efforts to adapt and thrive.