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Food Myths

Posted May 21, 2019

Common food myths debunked with Kemin solutions

Sometimes we underestimate the dangers of food safety and in other occasions, our concerns seem to be exaggerated. And given the large amount of misinformation about food circulating, a lot of myths are still assumed to be true. At Kemin, we took a closer look at three common misconceptions. We believe that debunking these myths can help you make more deliberate choices. On top of that, we have several solutions to put these myths to rest, once and for all. 


Myth 1: If food looks and smells ok, it is safe to eat.

This is not true. Spoilage bacteria already develop before exterior signs start to kick in. For example, bacteria that cause foodborne illness do not affect the taste, smell or appearance of food. Although they may indicate that something is off, food’s appearance, smell or taste aren’t reliable warning signs to assume a product is safe to eat. Sticking to the ‘use by’ date remains a good touchstone to determine whether to eat something or throw it away.

At Kemin, food safety is of paramount importance. But fact is that microbial spoilage is a key factor in the shelf life of a variety of protein rich food products. To make sure food products are safe to eat for a longer amount of time, we have a very effective solution: BactoCEASE® NV buffered vinegar, a food safety ingredient for meat, poultry and fish. An alternative for chemical preservatives, this clean label product efficiently extends product shelf life by retarding the growth of spoilage bacteria. 

Want to know more about BactoCEASE nv?



Myth 2: When frying oil becomes dark, it needs to be replaced as this means it is rancid.

This is not the case. There is no direct correlation with the colour change and the deterioration of lipids. Oil can turn dark quickly while still having a good oxidative status. On the other hand, chemical parameters such as polar compounds and anisidine value will increase when frying oil becomes rancid. In regards of replacing the oil, it’s not just about the colour degradation.

FORTI-FRY™ is a natural antioxidant consisting of tocopherol rich extract and specialty oils that significantly extends the frying life of oil. It prevents the formation of undesirable compounds and off-flavours. Furthermore, FORTI-FRY ensures foaming reduction and provides an optimal heat transfer which results in even browning of the food from the first batch onward. 

Want to know more about Forti-Fry?



Myth 3: When you freeze meat, it will not oxidise and stay fresh forever.

Of course, freezing is an effective preservation method and meat products will definitely remain fresh for some time. Yet, physical and chemical reactions still occur in meat during freezing, storage, and subsequent thawing. These parameters include discolouration and development of oxidative rancidity and texture hardening due to protein denaturation and aggregation. Eventually, meat will oxidise when it is in the freezer too long (as from 3-6 months or longer).

Kemin offers natural solutions such as NaturFORT™ to prevent oxidation of frozen meat. Extensive studies (Increasing the Oxidative Stability of Frozen Chipolatas with Natural Plant Extracts) have shown that both natural plant extracts FORTIUM® and NaturFORT are able to extend the shelf life of frozen chipolatas. Starting from month four, all FORTIUM and NaturFORT treatments were consistently preferred over the untreated sausages. This also correlates with the increase in TBARS during the same period. Furthermore, at month four and seven the untreated sausages were nearly unanimously least preferred in taste and odour. With Kemin solutions, frozen meat stays fresh for at least 8 months and likely an even greater shelf life can be reached.

Want to know more about NaturFORT?