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Strategies for Sustainability in the Pet Food Market

Posted May 15, 2024 by By Kemin Nutrisurance

Demand for Sustainability Remains Strong

Over the past few years, sustainability in the pet food industry has developed from trend into mainstream messaging and action. Despite the COVID-19 crisis, sustainability concerns for consumer goods continues to grow, and this is especially true in the pet care market. According to a study by Euromonitor, pet owners are more likely to buy sustainably-produced items than non-owners, and the interest in sustainability spans across a wide range of income levels and generations. As a result, the pet food industry has an opportunity to incorporate more sustainable solutions to serve pet parents. 

What Makes A Sustainable Pet Food Product?


When discussing sustainability, we consider a range of environmental, social and economic issues. The goal is to meet the needs of the present without limiting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. While there is no all-encompassing definition of a sustainable ingredient or practice, we can use the above table to guide our decisions.

Sustainable Ingredient Sourcing

Sustainability starts in the pet food bag. It is becoming more prevalent to source pet food ingredients using sustainable methods to ensure there is minimal negative impact on ecological, environmental or human wellbeing. 

Sustainable Sourcing & Agronomy: Pet food manufacturers can partner with suppliers using sustainable sourcing practices. Kemin is one of the most vertically integrated suppliers of plant-based ingredients. Across the supply chain, Kemin controls the breeding, plant selection, growing, harvesting and extraction of our specialty crops. Kemin’s rosemary and spearmint crops are Certified Sustainably Grown by SCS Global. The Sustainably Grown certification recognizes businesses that meet the world's most stringent operational standards and are actively committed to driving positive change in environmental and social sustainability.  These crops are integrated into the production of Kemin’s natural antioxidants.

Sustainable Proteins: Using alternative proteins can reduce the dependency on traditional proteins used in human food supply. Options for sustainably-sourced proteins include certain varieties of fish, nuts and seeds, which also provide beneficial omega-3 fatty acids for pets. Using invasive species as a protein source also benefits the environment from which they’re removed. Many pet food manufacturers are also exploring insect proteins, which offer a source of protein for pets that’s not in competition with human food supply.

Rendered Products: Another commonly unrecognized source of sustainable proteins are rendered products. Rendering creates valuable fats and proteins filled with vitamins and minerals for pets. Rendering is recycling; as this process makes use of 56 billion pounds1 of raw materials in the U.S. and Canada every year that would otherwise be sent to landfills.


Sustainable Packaging

Much of what we consume comes packaged, and most plastic packaging can take 10 to 1,000 years to decompose. But new, innovative solutions can be used to save space in landfills. Some sustainable packaging solutions in the pet food industry include:

·         Recycled cardboard, paper or plastic

·         Innovative biodegradable options such as bioplastics

·         Reusable containers for bulk transport

The trend of small, individually-packaged pet food portions is not as sustainable as including multiple portions in one package. Pet food manufacturers can optimize portion sizes by using antioxidants and food safety ingredients to help maintain the shelf life of larger packages of pet food.


Third-Party Certifications

The pet food industry is constantly impacted by new trends and shifting consumer perceptions. Because of this, consumers are wary of “greenwashing” efforts by companies to appear sustainable without proof of verified or certified practices. There is a variety of third-party certifications that pet food manufacturers can use to certify how their products are produced, including:

  • Certifications for ingredients:
    • Sustainable seafood (MSC – certified – Marine Stewardship Council)
    • Sustainably Grown (SCS Global)
    • RSPO or RTRS (Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil & Roundtable for Responsible Soy)
    • Non-GMO
    • USDA Organic
  • Certifications within production & operations:
    • Supply chain certifications that evaluate traceability, ingredient integrity and ethical and transparent sourcing
    • Animal Welfare Certified
    • Renewable energy and net-zero emissions
    • Sustainable and recyclable packaging
    • Certified vegan


Sustainability at Kemin

Sustainability is a key area of focus at Kemin, as reflected in our vision statement. Along with sustainable agronomy practices, Kemin has sustainability initiatives for energy, waste, conservation and biodiversity. Learn more about Sustainability at Kemin here.


