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Enhance Protein Meal Stability with NATUROX® POLAR

Posted October 15, 2024 by Jim Mann, Global Platform Manager - Antioxidants and Food Safety | Kemin Nutrisurance

When we meet with customers, there are two issues that almost always come up: the demand for products with longer shelf lives, and the variability in raw material quality and processing conditions. With these issues in mind, our team had broad discussions about solutions that could address both issues. After extensive research and testing, we are proud to introduce NATUROX® POLAR—a solution designed to address the need for extended shelf life and protein meal stability effectively.

The Problem: Evolving Industry Demands and Stability Challenges

As the pet food industry has grown, so have its demands. Longer shelf-life requirements have become standard due to increased rail car transportation, expanded export volumes, and extended storage times of protein meals. Traditional antioxidant solutions can fall short in meeting these needs, struggling to maintain the desired pet food and ingredient stability and maintain lower peroxide values in protein meals. Additionally, changes in livestock and poultry diets and raw material composition have led to higher ash content and increased unsaturated fat levels in protein meals, particularly in chicken and turkey. These factors complicate the stabilization process, leaving many antioxidant solutions inadequate.

The variability in raw material quality from different sources and the unique production challenges faced by different rendering plants further exacerbates the problem. For instance, the storage of CRAX (pressed, but unground meal) for extended periods can impact stability through poor antioxidant distribution. Harsh conditions, such as cold weather during winter storage, can also stress antioxidant performance, as some antioxidants react less efficiently in colder temperatures.


By enhancing oxidation control, NATUROX POLAR improves stabilization of protein meals, such as chicken meal, extending their shelf life even under harsh conditions. Its innovative formulation improves antioxidant distribution and mitigates oxidative stress without requiring higher doses of antioxidants.

This solution is particularly effective in managing the variability inherent in raw materials and rendering processes. Whether dealing with changes in composition or unique plant-specific challenges, NATUROX POLAR offers a robust and adaptable solution. For instance, it provides improved stability for CRAX, even when stored for longer periods before grinding. Its performance remains strong even under cold weather conditions that might otherwise hinder traditional antioxidants.

How NATUROX POLAR is Changing the Industry

NATUROX POLAR represents a significant advancement in the field of protein meal stabilization. It addresses the pressing need for extended shelf life and improved stability, while also maintaining cost efficiency. By providing more robust oxidation control without the need for increased antioxidant application rates or switching to more expensive solutions, NATUROX POLAR sets a new standard in the industry.

NATUROX POLAR is not just a product; it’s a solution to some of the most pressing challenges in protein meal stability. It delivers enhanced performance, adaptability, and efficiency, ensuring that protein meals remain high-quality and stable, no matter the conditions. For those in the pet food industry facing these evolving demands, NATUROX POLAR provides reliable results and peace of mind.

Headshot-Jim-Mann -circle
Jim Mann, Global Platform Manager: Antioxidants & Food Safety | Kemin Nutrisurance

Jim has been at Kemin for over 30 years fulfilling a variety of roles in quality control, research and development, and technical services. 

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