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The Control You've Been Craving

Posted June 29, 2017

We all know someone who has been consistently dieting for years. Maybe that someone is you. In fact, according to recent market research, over 60% of Americans are dieting with most trying to lose or maintain body weight. 1

Information Overload

There is an abundance of information available about dieting and weight loss and everyone seems to be an expert. There are websites, news stories, talk shows, friend, family and infomercials that have the magic solution for weight loss. It can get so confusing - Should we eat carbs? Which carbs are good and which carbs are bad? Am I getting enough protein? I saw this on doctor Oz, should I take it? This worked for my sister, will it work for me?

We try lots of different things to make weight loss easier and longer lasting, but it’s becoming obvious that understanding a few basic concepts can help all of us achieve our goals.

The hard way is the right way

It may be tough to accept, but losing weight takes dedication and persistence. According to the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), successful individuals implement permanent changes to their lifestyle, including watching calorie intake and increasing physical activity. 3-5 These basic concepts are no secret to most of us. Recent market research suggests consumers understand that weight loss takes time and willpower, and that extreme strategies are often not successful.

The basic strategies that lead to successful weight management are largely based on the foundational concept of Energy Balance:

“Calories In” is the food we eat and “Calories Out” is the energy we burn moving our bodies (physical activity energy expenditure), digesting food (thermic effect of food) and keeping our bodies and cells functioning properly (also known as our basal metabolic rate).

If Calories In = Calories Out, we maintain our weight. If Calories In < Calories Out, we create an energy deficit which results in us losing weight, and if Calories In > Calories Out we store extra energy in the form of fat and start to gain weight. It takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat, so losing weight requires eating a little less each day and burning more calories during exercise.

Although this is a very simplified view of the big picture, it provides an easy guide that everyone can understand for the basics of weight loss and weight maintenance. Many of the individuals who report successful weight loss and weight maintenance have achieved this by keeping track of what they eat and how much they exercise. This is because they have a better idea of whether or not they’re in energy balance.

Moderation isn't new but it's key

Now this is where it gets tricky - Keeping track of your diet and making smart decisions is more difficult than it sounds. We know we need to eat more nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. We realize that drinking water is good for us. We also know that a diet consisting of fast food and processed snacks is something that we should limit or avoid, but does that mean we succeed at doing these things? Often times, no. In fact, research on eating behaviors suggests that the harder we try, the less successful we are at controlling what we're eating. 6-10 The more we limit our diet, the stronger the cravings get and the more likely we are to binge. As research progresses on eating behaviors and the negative impact of strict dietary restraint, we have to keep in mind that moderation is key.

So, how do we achieve moderation when we put so much pressure on ourselves to lose weight and maintain weight? The key is allowing ourselves to eat a balanced, whole-food diet that allows us to indulge in moderation, while we maintain our physical activity. But this is another task that can be easier said than done. How do we resist the urge to eat the whole pint of ice cream or two pieces of cake when we have that craving? Or how do we resist becoming members of the clean plate club when we eat at a delicious restaurant that has huge portion sizes?

There are many factors in your body that influence your appetite. To indicate you're full, your body sends a hormonal signal to your brain, telling you to stop eating. One strategy to help control your cravings is to increase these feelings of satiety.

Slendesta is a natural fit

So even though there isn’t a magic solution, there are steps you can take to help achieve and maintain your weight loss goals. Moderation is important and can be realized by controlling our hunger cravings. And to help achieve your goals without completely sacrificing the treats you enjoy, products with Slendesta can provide the control you need to live a healthy life. Look for supplements containing Slendesta on the label.

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  1. Mintel. Diet Trends US - September 2016. 2016.
  2. Klem ML, Wing RR, McGuire MT, Seagle HM, Hill JO. A descriptive study of individuals successful at long-term maintenance of substantial weight loss. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 1997;66(2):239-246.
  3. Thomas JG, Bond DS, Phelan S, Hill JO, Wing RR. Weight-loss maintenance for 10 years in the National Weight Control Registry. American journal of preventive medicine. 2014;46(1):17-23.
  4. Wyatt HR, Grunwald GK, Mosca CL, Klem ML, Wing RR, Hill JO. Long‐term weight loss and breakfast in subjects in the National Weight Control Registry. Obesity research. 2002;10(2):78-82.
  5. Schembre SM, Albright CL, Lim U, et al. Associations between weight-related eating behaviors and adiposity in postmenopausal Japanese American and white women. Physiol Behav. 2012;106(5):651-656.
  6. de Lauzon B, Romon M, Deschamps V, et al. The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R18 is able to distinguish among different eating patterns in a general population. J Nutr. 2004;134(9):2372-2380.
  7. Poehlman ET, Viers HF, Detzer M. Influence of physical activity and dietary restraint on resting energy expenditure in young nonobese females. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1991;69(3):320-326.
  8. Rutters F, Nieuwenhuizen AG, Lemmens SGT, Born JM, Westerterp-Plantenga MS. Hyperactivity of the HPA axis is related to dietary restraint in normal weight women. Physiology & Behavior. 2009;96(2):315-319.
  9. Westenhoefer J, Broeckmann P, Munch AK, Pudel V. Cognitive control of eating behaviour and the disinhibition effect. Appetite. 1994;23(1):27-41.

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