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Enhancing Swine Nutrition and Feed Efficiency

LYSOFORTE® Extend is a next-generation nutrient absorption enhancer that significantly improves the digestion of energy-rich dietary lipids in swine feeds. This unique formula contains a synergistic combination of lysophospholipids, monoglycerides, and a synthetic emulsifier, balanced to boost feed efficiency and profitability for swine producers. 

Optimized Fat Digestion for Superior Performance

By optimizing the three key steps in fat digestion – emulsification, hydrolysis, and absorption –LYSOFORTE Extend ensures a more consistent fat utilization response. This leads to enhanced nutrient absorption, improved animal performance, and better control over feed costs.

Features and Benefits

  • Optimized blend of lysophospholipids (LPL), monoglycerides, and a synthetic emulsifier
  • LPL supplementation may help sows maintain body condition and performance during lactation1,2
  • Addition of dietary LPL may support higher litter weaning weight1,2,3
  • Better nutrient and energy utilization may result in more efficient swine production4
  • Offers feed cost savings potential through reformulation

How to Use LYSOFORTE Extend

LYSOFORTE Extend can be easily incorporated into premixes, concentrates, or complete feeds with a flexible dosage, making it a versatile solution for all stages of swine production—from gestation and lactation to growing and fattening pigs.

Can be applied either:

  • “On top” of the existing feed formula for enhancing piglet/sow performance.
  • In a reformulation strategy using an energy matrix value to save feed costs.
LYSOFORTE Extend Web Graphic

Suggested Feeding Rates

  • Use at a rate of 0.5 - 1.5 lbs. per ton of feed

LYSOFORTE Extend Mode of Action           

Increases emulsification of the dietary fat matrix

  • Accelerates the digestion and absorption of lipids
  • Enhances the absorption of other essential nutrients such as amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins
  • Positively impacts gut morphology and intestinal integrity, thus increasing nutrient absorption


  • 25 kg bags
  • Store in a cool, dry place. Keep container closed when not in use


LYSOFORTE Extend Dry Spec Sheet
LYSOFORTE Extend for Swine Brochure
LYSOFORTE Extend for Swine One Pager


1Papadopoulos, G.A., et al. (2022). Effects of dietary lysolecithin supplementation during late gestation and lactation on sow reproductive performance, sow blood metabolic parameters and piglet performance. Animals, 12: 623.
2Supplementation of lactating sow diets with LYSOFORTE® improves sow condition, litter growth and uniformity, and piglet livability. TL-18-00029.
3Effect of dietary supplementation of LYSOFORTE® Extend to sows and piglets on weaning weight – Large field trial in France, TL-20-18893.
4Wealleans, A.L., et al. (2021). Fats and oils in pig nutrition: Factors affecting digestion and utilization. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 277: 114950.

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